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Doing a life audit is crucial to living a life you can’t wait to wake up to. Taking a weekend to reset and taking a life inventory will help you get back on track.
Because life can get so busy, It’s crucial to step back and ask yourself “Am I happy with my life?” And if it’s been a while since you asked yourself this question, you must do a life audit. A life audit is a reflective process that allows you to assess various parts of your life and make intentional choices.
Updated: September 13th, 2024

Because that’s what we want our lives to be—intentional. We want our lives to have a sense of purpose. Do a life audit to gain clarity on where you are currently.
I woke up one day and I was almost 30 with two kids and married. I could’ve sworn I was still 19 and dating my husband (then boyfriend). Now that’s not to say I’m miserable or ashamed but I am now more aware of how quickly life can pass you by.
As I entered my 30s, I wanted—no, I needed to sit down and reassess my life. Where did I end up in life, more importantly, where did I want to go? Where do you want to go in life?
This post is all about doing a life audit.
Life Audit
What is a Life Audit And Why Should You Have One?
A lifestyle audit is where you take a current inventory of your life. You assess how happy you are with the different areas of your life. There are 8 areas that you should focus on.
If you ever felt stuck, stagnated, jealous, depressed, or lost then you need to do a life audit. This is the chance to reflect on the past year or years. And to dissect your life to find opportunities to make shifts and changes to be in more alignment with who you want to be.
Remember that life ebbs and flows and every season will be different. The goal is to not get perfect 10s all around because that is unrealistic.
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What are the 8 areas of Life Audit and How to do an Audit
Sitting down and doing a life audit should be fun and special. I would highly recommend getting up early before the kids, making yourself a cup of coffee, and having your journal ready. [pssst You can also grab these FREE life audit worksheets]

There are 8 areas in your life that you should focus on and rate from 1-10. Many call it the wheel of life or even a wellness wheel. One means you’re struggling and dissatisfied and ten being highly satisfied in that area.
The Wheel Of Life Categories:
Set aside an hour of time and write about your life. Just let your mind brain dump everything in your journal. Make it fun, grab a coffee or tea, put on some mood music, and light a few aromatherapy candles.
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Lifestyle Audit Questions to Ask Yourself:
- Are you happy?
- Where do you see yourself and your family in 5 years?
- What would you like your relationship to look like?
- Are you happy with the progress you’ve made in the past year?
- Are you happy with the amount of money in your savings and checking?
- Is your relationship operating in a healthy space?
- Are you happy with your exercise level?
- Is your faith or belief system strong or are you unsure?
- Are you happy with the amount of money you make?
- Are you happy with your career or are you wanting to pivot?
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These are some questions that can get your mind thinking. Get delusional and be as creative as you want. It’s your life. My all-time favorite saying is “delulu is the solulu…”
Now, it’s time to organize your thoughts. This is not the time to critique yourself and what you haven’t done. Trust me, this is exactly what I do, and it is NOT helpful and doesn’t feel good.
This will allow you to gain clarity and define the purpose of your life and your family’s. You’ll be able to walk confidently with your family because you’ll know what steps you need to take.
This is a journey to self-discovery so approach this process with a sense of fun, excitement, and an open mind. This is a chance to create a life of your wildest desires.
Physically Wellbeing
This is where you take note of your eating habits, the quality of your movement and rest, and invest in your style.
What do you want to look like? Is there a version of you that excites you? This is where you can create the version of yourself that is happy.
Mental Wellbeing
How do you feel on a day-to-day basis? Take slow mornings or days where nothing happens. Resetting your life can begin with indulging in a guilty pleasure or reading a good book.
Therapy is also a good option. There is a lot of trauma and behaviors we need to unlearn to move on. I used to go to Cerebral, I loved the online aspect of it. (Not an affiliate link, just enjoyed the care I received)
Personal Growth
There are many books on personal development, spiritual development, and expansion. Humans thrive when constantly learning and expanding. Knowledge truly is power.
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Do you have fun? Seriously, are you having fun in your life? Figure out some of your passions, hobbies, and what brings joy. We all need something that is not monetized or meant to be monetized.
Pursue new ideas and become childlike in your passions. Collect trinkets, read more fictional books, or build legos.
Creating Meaningful Relationships
Life has a way of creating space in your relationships. Bills, differing schedules, and various other responsibilities all make maintaining relationships hard.
From marriage to friendships, to even your own family members start to take a back seat to life. Reflect on what relationships you want to strengthen, cut loose, or change.
This can include your spouse, your children, and friends. When I became a SAHM, the dynamic between my husband and I shifted. We had to work through how to maintain our friendship.
I was all about the kids and what the kids needed. My husband and I were slowly becoming roommates coexisting. I didn’t want to live like that and that was a pain point for us. So we made intentional choices to put our marriage first.
Also as a shut-in mom haha, I needed friends outside my family. I always try to set time aside to make it to a girls’ night or even schedule play dates so I can catch up with my friends.
Your Home Environment

Nothing feels better after a stressful day than being home in your own personal space. From the decorations to who you allow in your space. Home is truly magical. Home is a safe place.
If you don’t feel safe, remove yourself from that environment as quickly (and safely) as possible. If it’s a matter of not feeling comfortable, try to find ways to make it cozy. [Read: 20 Best Must-Haves For Creating a Cozy Home: The Ultimate Checklist]
Navigating Your Career Goals
You need to be satisfied with your career or know when to pivot if you’re dissatisfied. We are the happiest when our work aligns with our purpose or overall goals.
What work sparks joy or a sense of purpose? We all have to work for an income, so it’s imperative that you enjoy what you do.
How does your bank account look? This is where you would figure out if you are earning your goal income and how to make changes.
If you are dissatisfied in this area, here is your opportunity to make changes.
Life Inventory and Living with a Purpose
Living with a purpose is a lifestyle. It is a practice of living intentionally. You are making a conscious effort to make choices that align with your core values. By following your plan, you are in control of your life.
You will have a life that people will see and say “Man, she’s blessed”. When in reality you are living with intention. You’re not just letting life pass you by and dictate your next move.
It doesn’t feel good at first to realize you probably haven’t been living intentionally. However, once you finally take inventory of your life, you’ll feel so empowered.
Doing a life audit is an ongoing process. It should happen at least once a year but I recommend at least once a month or quarter. Track your progress and sit down with yourself and/or your spouse to talk. Life truly is what you make it but it doesn’t come easy.
This post was all about doing a life audit.
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