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Have you ever considered creating alter egos to be the best version of you? I promise it’s not what you think and this will 100% help you achieve your wildest dreams.

You might be thinking to yourself, isn’t this a mom blog? What does this have to do with anything and where are all the productivity hacks?
Relax girl, I got you. This is a great (and really fun) productivity hack that you may not have thought of. It’s something I recently discovered through podcasts and YouTube.
Don’t worry, I’ll explain further in the post but having an alter ego was a life-changing experience and one I need to get back into.
Having alter egos isn’t as crazy as it sounds. This may be the very step you are missing to living your best life, being the best mom, daughter, friend, or wife.
This post is all about creating alter egos to live your best life.
Alter Egos
What is an alter ego?

Simply put, an alter ego means an “alternate self”. It is a personality, believed to be distinct from a person’s normal or original personality. This is not the same as multiple personality disorder or other illnesses where you may feel like there are multiple identities living in one body.
Alter egos are something you can “tap” into when you are challenged, scared, or even uncomfortable. You can tap into this “different” personality if you don’t think the “original” you can. However, it is still you.
Alter ego examples are all around us
In music, you have famous alter egos such as Slim Shady (Eminem), Sasha Fierce (Beyoncé), Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus), and many more.
In literature, you have Batman (Bruce Wayne), Superman (Clark Kent), and Spiderman (Peter Parker) to name a few.
Having an alter ego allows you to test and try new things. Maybe situations the current you feel are too challenging or uncomfortable to try. Maybe Janet is too scared to zip-line across the Brazilian Rainforest but Jessica lives for a thrill.
The Identity Shift Effect
I believe that shifting your identity plays an important role in creating an alter ego. You behave what you think you are and what you identify as.
If you believe you are stupid and incompetent, you will behave as such. It can become difficult to separate yourself from that identity.
For example, if you want to start waking up in the morning, you must shift identities. Instead of saying that you are trying to wake up early, you are a morning person.
Or if you have to start, your alter ego is a morning person. This will begin your self-transformation with intentional actions.
Another example could be that you are a Christian instead of trying to become a Christian. You will begin to shift your habits that align with being a Christian.
To put it simply: I am ____ instead of trying to be ____.
What does alter ego mean to me?
Let’s get personal for a second. I struggle with self-esteem. It’s become so bad that I don’t trust myself to do anything right. I have always been stupid, lazy, and just ugly inside and out.
I have battled with this for years. Finally, I was tired of feeling this way. In 2021, I started creating an alter ego. She was confident, she was intelligent, and she was a go-getter.
Once I began to identify as her, it started becoming second nature. I identified as someone who set goals and achieved them. I was a go-getter. She achieved everything she set her mind to. I could “act” my way into a new mindset and life.
Having my alter ego meant I could live a new life. I didn’t have to continue with my old habits weighing me down. I realized I could change my life at any time.
How to create an Alter Ego?
Now that you have a better understanding of alter egos, it is time to use this knowledge to your advantage to start living your dream life.
To be who you want to be and have fun while doing it.
[The video that inspired me to take action: Kayln’s Coffee Talk]
Identify who you are currently. This will give you a starting point. Knowing where you are will help you get to where you want to be.
Don’t be harsh on yourself. This is meant to be motivating and help you push through your current limiting beliefs.
However, you will need to be honest with yourself. This helps you determine why you want to create an alter ego; is it for personal or professional reasons?
For example: I am sometimes lazy and I give up when my goals seem hard to accomplish. When I’m overwhelmed, I tend to shut down. I am also extremely hard on myself. More often than not, I don’t believe in myself and I think I am a failure.
Define your goals: Who do you want to be? What do you want to accomplish?
For example: I want to be a successful blogger who is a millionaire. A woman who is a happy and productive mother. I want to be a Proverbs 31 kind of mother and wife. Someone productive and efficient with her time while being a loving homemaker.
List out your ideal characteristics: Do you want to be more charismatic or confident? Do you want to be more sensual so you can initiate more? Do you want to be a millionaire?
There’s are just a few of the many questions you can ask yourself to get a closer look at who you’d want to be.
To go back to my previous example: A Proverbs 31 woman has certain characteristics. The millionaire blogger has her set of characteristics.
Characteristics I wish to embody:
- Fears God
- She respects and supports her husband
- A homemaker
- Capable
- A worker, business owner, and a provider
- Intentional
- Take calculated risks (create multiple streams of income)
- Loves learning (Currently binging We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers)
- A strong work ethic
- She does not have a fear of failure
- Almost a delusional sense of belief in myself and invests in herself
- Takes care of her appearance to look nice
These are just a few characteristics that can drastically change my life as I implement them into my daily habits.
Test out a few characteristics. It might feel foreign at first but remember, it’s meant to be fun and challenging not miserable.
Create your Alter Ego: this is the fun part. If you ever played video games then you have run into a character creation part of the game. This honestly was (and is) my favorite part of any game. I get lost in all the different combinations I can do.
It’s the same thing. Look to your favorite idols or mentors. Sit down and just visualize who you want to be—research people who embody the characteristics you wish to have.
- What does she look like? (Her personal style and fashion)
- What’s her unique backstory?
- How does your persona act daily?
- What do her days look like?
- Is she in school, does she meditate, does she take breaks and give herself grace?
- Does she pray and read her Bible daily?
- What kind of podcasts and YouTube videos does she interact with?
- What are her hobbies and passions?
Give your new persona a name (it feels silly at first but trust me). This will help you channel her whenever you feel stuck or stumped on what to do next. Clark Kent would ask himself what would Superman do.
Embody your alter ego:
This is the hard but fun part. You now have to change your daily, weekly, and monthly habits to this persona. If Ashley reads self-help books then you have to make time.
- Consume content that aligns with your alter egos beliefs, hobbies, and desires.
- Change your environment to allow your alter ego to flourish.
- Spend time with people who resonate with your alter egos goals.
- Have fun and remember it’s a journey (go easy on yourself)
Alexandria doesn’t give up when times are tough and Samantha allows herself time to get dressed in the morning before the kids. You have to start showing up as your alter ego and it doesn’t have to be all the time.
My husband doesn’t have a name for his alter ego. But he embodies a more confident and charismatic character when he’s on stage. Whenever he plays a gig he is more outgoing but when he’s at home or around family he is much more reserved.
Your alter egos aren’t meant to take over your life but to enhance your life. To help you through the times you want to quit when it gets tough. You will still be you, even though Superman isn’t Superman all the time.
If this post inspired you to create your own alter ego, comment down below. Starting March 1st, 2024 I am creating an alter egos challenge and I am inviting you to participate with me! It’ll be a 12-week challenge.
Start crushing goals and be the best version of yourself—for you and your family!

Creating the perfect alter ego takes patience, creativity, a willingness to embrace change, and goal setting. This post was all about creating alter egos that inspire you.
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