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As moms, we often fall into a rut or a dull routine. Our lives constantly pull us in every direction. These 20 new habits to try will help you center yourself every day.
I understand feeling aimless when the kids are finally asleep and the chaos of the day is gone. You are left wondering what did you really do today. Even though you were juggling the responsibilities of parenthood, sometimes we need to embrace new habits to stay sane.

As moms, we want fulfillment in many areas of our lives. I love my daughters and my role as their mother. However, I also want to help others, and find activities I don’t have to share with the girls; I want to feel like me.
I can bet that you also want to get out of your daily rut with your family and yourself. These are 20 new habits to try to elevate your life.
New Habits to Try
1. Wake Up Early
There’s a reason that waking up early is always the top new habit to try. Waking up early is a game-changer that I also need to do. I understand better than anyone, that waking up early with kids is sometimes impossible.
However, the benefits of waking up early may have you reconsider it.
- Slow Morning. You get to wake up and go at your own pace. Make a cup of coffee that stays hot.
- Journal. Brain dump all your feelings and stresses before the day starts. You’re a better mom when you can think with clarity.
- Literally, watch your world light up. There is something so magical and beautiful about watching the world come to life after a slumber. You can’t beat hearing the birds chirp, watching the sky become an art piece, and feeling the warmth of the sun as you sip fresh coffee.
- Ahead of the curve. You’ve managed to have intentional time alone, clear your mind, and watch your world come to life. You are ready to tackle the chaos of motherhood.
2. Find a New Hobby To Explore

We all need hobbies, however, often in motherhood we don’t always get that space to explore. I currently have an infant and a preschooler, and I stay home. I needed an outlet to call my own. As moms, we share so much of ourselves with our kids.
Everything is for your kids. Your time, body, and mind are used to fill and regulate our young children. We are so exhausted that we tend to veg out on an unfulfilling social media platform. Leaving us feeling more empty, drained, and tired.
Find yourself a hobby that you don’t have to share. I chose to blog and learn to bake. It makes me happy, makes me learn something new, and provides value to others, which is important to me.
Hobbies To Try:
- Blogging
- Puzzles
- Baking
- Photography
- Gardening
- Knitting
- Crochet
- Painting
- Fishing/Hunting
- Learn a new instrument (I dabbled with an electric guitar)
3. Romanticize Your Life
There was a saying I fell in love with. So much so, that I almost want to tattoo it on my wrist! I don’t know who said it but it is about finding the vacation in your everyday life. Whether it’s feeling the grass on your bare feet or spraying your favorite fancy perfume.
Romanticizing your life allows you to enter a more joyous relationship with yourself. See your life with rose-colored glasses. You only have one life, live it to the fullest. I have regrets of wasting years of not romanticizing the many phases of my life.
Coming up soon, I will be 30 years old and face a major milestone. I choose to live life like a vacation. Instead of blogging on this tiny desk with a water bubble, I work in my private cafe with a large selection of hot teas.
Some Tips To Try:
- Curate a playlist for your life. You are the main character of your story. Play music that makes you feel like a baddie.
- Invest in quality skin care. I will tell you what, I don’t care what anyone says; spritzing rose water on my face every morning makes me feel lavish.
- Drink out of fancy mugs. I have a tea set that elevates my morning. I feel bougie sipping my lady grey tea. There’s something cute and peaceful making it a teatime production. And yes, I have a playlist of my favorite modern songs as classical music renditions.
- Wear an elegant perfume. I love feminine, classy perfumes. I just feel better when I know I smell good.
- Dress up–even if you have nowhere to go. This is something I aspire to. I am a SAHM who lives in leggings and a sweatshirt. My hair lives under a bonnet and my lips are dry. Get dressed for no reason. Every day is an occasion.
- Buy yourself the finest jewelry. You don’t have to wait for some “milestone” or anniversary to purchase diamond earrings or a bracelet you’ve been eyeing.
4. Buy Fresh Flowers

Buying fresh flowers can just elevate your home and mood. It’s like your little piece of nature right on your kitchen table. This should definitely be among the new habits to try in 2024.
Purchase them bi-weekly or monthly or if you are lucky enough to pick some fresh flowers; do that.
5. Dance Like No One Is Watching
This is my favorite exercise and stress reliever. I love just releasing built-up energy or helping energize myself for my chores. Plus, it just feels good—instant mood lift.
6. Watch the Sun Rise
Need I say much? The beauty of the colors in the sky is unimaginable and unmatched. Just look at this picture and it still doesn’t compare to the real deal. Tell me that doesn’t start your day peacefully.
7. Travel Somewhere New

Get in the habit of traveling somewhere new at least once a month. It doesn’t have to be out of the state or country. Pick a place that you’ve never been to or one that you always pass through.
Make it a weekend trip or even a day trip. Explore what your state has to offer you. Try a hole-in-the-wall restaurant or a well-known restaurant only available there. Sometimes just changing your scenery can be a breath of fresh air.
My husband and I traveled to Bunn, NC. It’s in Franklin County and he happened across it because he searched “restaurants in bunn nc“. His search came up with a restaurant named Rustic Roots.
And I am so glad that it did, that is now among my favorite date night restaurants of all time. I had never heard of Bunn, nor did he; he’s native to NC.
8. Tell Your Loved Ones That You Love Them
Part of your journey of new habits to try should be telling your family and friends that they love them. Sometimes lighting up their world, will in turn light up your world.
I try to get into the habit of letting my daughters, husband, and closest friends know that I love them. Whenever they pop into my mind, I like to remind them how much I value them.
9. Learn Something New

Expand your knowledge in a subject that you’ve always wanted to learn. Whether it’s a new makeup routine or how to build a new website, keep your brain active. Learning something new also helps you have conversations that aren’t about kids.
Skillshare, YouTube, and podcasts are my favorite ways to learn new skills. I love learning new ideas and techniques. Right now, everything blogging is my current learning obsession.
10. Take Social Media Breaks
Social Media is a blessing and a curse. You can meet people that you may have never gotten to know otherwise. You can form groups and friendships. However, you can also leave social media feeling defeated, worthless, and a failure.
You can start hating your life or feeling like you aren’t where you should be. Take a week or month-long break, you’ll find that you are more at peace and content with your life.
When I stopped scrolling Instagram, I genuinely had a mood boost. I appreciated my life so much more and even my marriage improved. I highly recommend a social media detox as a new habits to try.
11. Have No Spend Months
Take control of your finances with an occasional no-spend month. Overspending can kill your budget. Spend no extra money except on your necessities and see how much extra money you have.
[How to Have a No Spend Month in 5 Easy Steps]
This is something I am looking forward to implementing within my budget. I want to save that extra cash for rainy days or paying off debts.
12. Practice Gratitude

Choose 3 different things for 365 days and watch how much your life will change. You’ll start to walk into your days with confidence and positivity.
It was tough initially to come up with 3 different things every day. However, once I did, it got easier. I want to get back into regularly practicing gratitude. This was one of my favorite new habits to try.
13. Write In a Journal
Journaling allows you to get your feelings out without judgment. There are some thoughts and secrets that sometimes you don’t feel safe telling others. Your journal is private and a safe place for your feelings.
I went to therapy for a short amount of time. One of the things that helped me get clarity on my feelings was to journal. Journaling my feelings allowed me to convey some of my deepest feelings confidentially and relieve stress without judgment.
14. Listen First
Many people don’t listen to understand, they listen to argue. Imagine if you let a person finish their thought before interrupting. A lot of communication misunderstandings could be solved by listening first.
I’m terrible at listening, my husband will tell you haha. One of my new habits to try is to listen to understand him more. We don’t argue a lot but my communication skills could improve.
15. Make Prayer a Part of Your Morning

This is a quiet, intimate time that can bring you such a feeling of peace for the day. Prayer can allow you to calm your thoughts, connect to God, and feel confident in your day.
You can open your bible, listen to a Christian podcast, or worship music. Whatever helps you set the tone and mood for your morning.
Some of my favorite Christian podcasts:
- Proverbs 31 Ministries
- Focus on the Family Broadcast
- As For Me And My House
[The Ultimate 25 Podcasts For Moms: Everything You Need to Get in The Zone]
If you do not pray; meditate along with controlled breathing exercises. You can also have a self-help book, listen to a motivating podcast or energizing music.
Some of my favorite motivational podcasts:
- In Bloom
- The Mel Robbins Podcast
16. Get Moving More
We as people don’t move as much as we need to. Staying at home, I don’t move as much as I need to. When I worked in the office, I moved a little bit more to get my work done.
Having a Fitbit is one of my absolute favorite ways to get moving. Staying at home has put me in a rut, so in 2024 one of my major new habits to try will be to use my watch more.
Let’s get to stepping! Exercise is always a great habit to add your new habits to try list.
17. Find The Joy in the Season You’re In

Do you find yourself frustrated with your current reality? You find yourself stressed, unhappy, and unsure of the future.
It may be hard but try to appreciate the season you are in. There is a purpose to your pain or frustration. Life isn’t always enjoyable or easy but there is usually a silver lining.
I had a long period of uncertainty, some self-inflicted. But as I start to move into a new season, I am growing more appreciative of the season I am currently in. I will miss it.
18. Spend Intention, Intimate Time with Yourself, Your Children, and Your Spouse
After having children, your every waking moment quickly becomes about the kids. You slowly “let yourself go” because you’ve put yourself on the back burner.
Restructure your day or week to include activities that make you feel loved and relaxed. You are just as important as the rest of the members of your family.
I usually step away every Tuesday night after my husband gets home from work and alternate one day on the weekends. Working on my blog or listening to my music uninterrupted helps fill my cup back up.
Time with your Spouse
Finding alone time with your spouse is hard enough but trying to make it intentional is near impossible. It’s easy to want to veg out and then go to bed. Make an effort to cut off all distractions and engage with each other.
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Spend the night in dim lighting and just talk to each other. Or cook dinner together after the kids have been put to bed. Whatever activity you guys choose, make it intentional.
Time with your kids
You might be thinking, why should this be a part of your new habits to try? And I get it, you spend all day with your kids; however, is it intentional time? Ask yourself these questions:
- Are you on your phone?
- Are you engaged with them?
- Is there an activity they have been dying to do with you and you haven’t made time for it?
If you are unsure about any of those questions, then I recommend trying to give your child full, intentional time. It’s one thing to be in the same room where you occasionally look up from your phone and sit on the floor with them and play.
I am guilty of not carving out enough special quality time with my 4-year-old. I often go to bed wondering if I spent enough time with her. So, I am challenging myself to set aside an hour of intentional time with her.
19. Find Things You Love About Yourself

We are our worst bullies and critics. Everything we do or don’t do makes us feel bad about ourselves. Was I too harsh today? Am I a good mom? Was I a good wife?
Find 10 things about yourself that you love. It’s easy to hate every inch of yourself and to get stuck in that headspace. Once you start to love yourself better, you’ll carry yourself with more confidence.
Love you like you love others. You are important, valuable, and worthy of love. Start treating yourself like it.
20. Understand Life Is What You Make It
Life is what you make it. That’s the biggest lesson here. No matter the circumstance or situation, how you react to it is what shapes your life.
Quitting because life got tough is not an option. You get knocked down 9 times, you get back up 10. It’s not easy and life is not always enjoyable but it is 100% yours to make.
You can either be proactive with your life or reactive. The choice is yours to make. You can either show up every day as the wife, mom, and woman you want to be. Or you can let life pass you by.
Knowing I will turn 30 soon, made me wake up and reevaluate my current life path. It made me realize to change my life, I needed new habits to try.
This post was all about 20 new habits to try.
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