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Waking up early is hard no matter who you are. Throw in kids (who love beating the sun up) and it’s hard to get up and moving. But as my 4-year-old says, “C’Mon, Don’t you want to start your day?” (at 6:30 am)

As a person who thrives on schedules and checklists, I needed to motivate myself to wake up sooner than my kids. Waking up early has always been a goal that I cannot achieve for whatever reason.
Every morning I’d either wake up frustrated, still tired, or overwhelmed by the energy my preschooler and infant possessed at 7 am. I knew I needed a change if I was going to ever take the power back in my daily routine.
However, if you are anything like me, there has to be a good reason why I should be sacrificing good sleep. Luckily for you (and me), I have the answers you are looking for!
This post is all about 9 ridiculously simple reasons why you need to start waking up early.
Waking Up Early
1. Improved Productivity
Imagine having time to get a head start on your day. The goals you outlined the night before could be done before work. Waking up early allows you to have a better focus and efficiency.
[Related Post: How to Have a Productive Day as a Stay at home Mom]
Getting a head start on my tasks for the day boosts not only my mood but motivates me to keep going. Checking off tasks on my list sends a chill down my body that I cannot explain. Haha, it gives me a high.
2. Waking Up Early for Mental Clarity
Waking up early gives you time to reflect on the day ahead of you. It also allows you a more peaceful morning. Giving your body and mind time to gradually wake up instead of being jolted awake.
This is the time when I would journal and listen to The Proverbs 31 podcast, have a morning cup of tea, and exercise. I would always have a better day when I made time for these activities.
3. Time for Exercise
Whether you get moving for 20 minutes or an hour, exercise has been proven to boost your mood and help energize you. Starting your day full of energy will help you regulate your feelings when dealing with the antics of the day.
My favorite fun exercises are Just Dance 4 and Ring Fit both on Nintendo Switch! It’s always a fun and invigorating workout and takes only 20 minutes of my time.
4. Time for Breakfast

If I do not wake up before my children, I struggle the whole day to find 5 minutes for myself. I wind up not eating until the afternoon. Waking up early helps mitigate that. I either make overnight oats or make oatmeal in my favorite rice cooker. (Game-changing! Takes 30 minutes but I do not have to watch over it)
Having time to enjoy my breakfast is a huge plus. I have all day to suck up my food so having one meal to myself is everything to me.
5. Waking Up Early for Time Management
I love planning my next day the night before. However, sometimes that doesn’t work out and I have to plan in the morning. This has to be my favorite benefit of waking up early; having that quiet time to myself to plan for the day ahead of me.
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I also love time blocking my day because that allows me to make the most of my day. Having my planners, brain dump notes, and to-do lists always gives me a productive day.

6. Wake Up to The Sunlight
One of my absolute favorite things to do in the morning whether I wake up early or not is to open my curtains. Having all that natural light flood my kitchen and living room makes me so happy.
It instantly boosts my mood and the quality of my day. Couple that with a fresh cup of tea that will take me 3 hours to drink (IFYKYK) and I am set for my to-do lists.
7. Better Sleep Quality
You might think waking up early would mess with your sleep quality but it’s the opposite. Knowing you will wake up early will force you to regulate your bedtime. It will force you to think backward.
If you know you need at least 8 hours of sleep and you want to wake up at 5 am then you need to start going to bed at 9 pm (you’ll have to adjust to work for you and your family’s needs).
8. Slow and Quiet Mornings

As I mentioned in tip 2, waking up before I am needed as a mom allows me to regulate my body. I have meditated in the mornings, had a hot cup of tea, and a nice breakfast. Allowing me to show a little self-care to myself before having to care for children.
I am more receptive to my children’s emotions and needs throughout the day because I was able to nurture my needs first. If that doesn’t motivate you just to wake up 30 minutes before the kids, I don’t know what will.
I love being able to show up as the best version of mom for them because I showed up as Briana first.
9. Waking Up Early for a Better Work-Life Balance
Whether you are a work-for-home mom, stay-at-home mom, or a work-out-the-home mom, we all need a better work-life balance. We cannot be all about tasks, to-dos, and goals all day long. We need breaks.
Waking up early in the morning allows you to take the day for yourself. I used to work outside the home and I will tell you, I had better days when I didn’t feel rushed out the door.
It’s the same principle now that I stay home, I have better days when I am not thrown into the day with kids. They have a less overwhelmed and overstimulated mother when I feel I have had a balance of work and life.
Don’t worry if you are not in a season where you can wake up early. Do what you can and when you can. Remember not every day will look or be the same but there are benefits to waking up early.
This post was all about 9 Ridiculously Simple Reasons Why You Need to Start Waking Up Early.
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