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I don’t know about you but my home needs all the spring cleaning tips it can get. After the holidays, our houses need a refresh and restart! Nothing says spring like a fresh-smelling home.

Spring is my 2nd favorite time of the year, with the fresh home decor options, the crisp warm air, and fresh scents. So sharing some of my favorite spring cleaning tips is something I geek over.
A reset in my home also helps my mental clarity. It’s a time of shedding the old and organizing what is left over.
Getting up and smelling the roses (or fresh linen) motivates me to start my day and crush my goals. No one likes living in a home that smells and feels stale.
This post is all about 10 amazing spring cleaning tips for a fresh-smelling home.
Spring Cleaning Tips
1. Simmer Pots
A great way to a fresh-smelling home is to simmer some fresh produce and extracts. Think of it like a crockpot for a fresh scent instead of cooking up dinner.
I have a small Magnolia Home Dutch oven created by Joanna Gaines. It became my simmer pot because I couldn’t think of a recipe small enough to fit into it. I am so glad I did because now I have a dedicated simmer pot.
Also, if you want a simmer pot for your rooms or don’t like your stovetop being on for long periods, you can use 1 to 1.5-quart slow cookers.
One of my favorite spring simmer pot recipes:
- Mint
- Lemon
- Lime
Or you can do just lemon & mint or lime & mint. Both are equally fresh and inviting. I love the fresh and uplifting scent that fills my little home. Perfect for a refresh.

2. Wash Your Couch
The couches are not only in your heavy traffic area a.k.a the living room but it’s also the heaviest used piece of furniture.
[Related Post: 10 Best Ways to Deep Clean Your House]
If you don’t already, washing the couches can give your home an overall fresh and clean aroma. I typically use a laundry detergent from Buff City Soap in fresh linen. I am absolutely addicted to that stuff.
It leaves such a clean scent that it makes it smell like I’ve been cleaning all day! Those are my favorite cleaning tools haha.
3. Give All Your Throw Pillows and Blankets a Reset

This is one of those spring cleaning tips that has recently rocked my world. Typically every Friday I wash my throw pillows (because my husband SLEEPS on them, how rude), and the fluffiness that returns is exciting.
Not only are my pillows fluffy again, but the fresh scent of my linen laundry detergent sinks into every fiber.
My throws are used a lot. I am usually cold or just want to snuggle up in one of my throws. A lot of soft fabrics hold on to odors, so giving them a factory reset will be sure to lift anyone’s spirits.
4. Deep Clean Your Carpets
Do yourself a favor and get yourself a carpet cleaner. I used to have a dog, so I own a pet-styled carpet cleaner. I feel like it gets my carpets so clean, fresh, and fluffy.
Carpets also hold on to a lot of germs and odor-causing bacteria. It also doesn’t help that most areas of your home with carpet are probably high-traffic areas as well.
5. Use a Scented Floor Cleaner
There’s nothing more freeing than feeling your clean, freshly mopped floors on your bare feet. Add a fresh scent and you cannot possibly be in a bad mood.
There are two methods you can do: All natural and with chemicals. I am a both kinda girl. Sometimes a good ole chemical is just needed but I try to do it in moderation.
I have a steam mop and a Swiffer PowerMop. They both leave my vinyl flooring shiny and clean every time. I have not tried adding any essential oils to the steam mop.
I would look it up before trying on your flooring but honestly, no scent is sometimes just as good as a fresh scent.
6. Clean Your Drains

This is another one of those spring cleaning tips that I never truly thought about. One day, I was sitting peacefully and hit with this horrid smell. I followed my nose and it led to my daughter’s bathroom.
At first, I thought something died in there so I searched high and low. Then I thought well maybe she made a mess. No, it was just her shower drain. It was a drain we hadn’t used in years because she uses our shower.
Luckily, this was a beyond-easy fix. Just boil a pot or two of water and carefully pour it down the drain. I haven’t smelled that smell in weeks.
7. Deep Clean Your Appliances
Most of your appliances such as your oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer, and dryer are heavily used appliances. And they all have food and/or water near them. Perfect for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.
All you need is baking soda and vinegar for most of your appliances. I use Affresh for my washer and clean it with vinegar to kill odors. Please always research what can go in your appliances before attempting.
8. Deodorize Your Mattress
For something you see every night, it’s usually a forgotten piece of furniture when it comes to freshening up. Simply sprinkle some baking soda and a few drops of lavender essential oil; let it sit for 30 minutes and no more than two hours.
I have a homemade carpet freshener and I use that on everything I can to freshen up the home. It is baking soda and a mix of essential oils.
9. Give Your Curtains a Freshen Up
I am guilty, my curtains stay up and never come down. Not unless, I am changing them for new curtains. I am not a fan of repeating myself but I will, curtains hang (haha) onto odors!
So you can either steam them with an upright steamer or take them all down and give them a good wash. Spray your favorite fabric spray on them between washes
10. Light Your Favorite Candle
This one is straightforward. Sometimes you just need to light up your candle and pretend all your chores are already done.
My favorites are Laundry Day and Sundrench Linen by Bath and Body Works. It smells like I don’t have a mountain of laundry waiting for me. It’s so peaceful.

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home with clean and soft scents. This post is all about 10 amazing spring cleaning tips for a fresh-smelling home.
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