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How to reinvent yourself is a question that pops up when you are tired of your current lifestyle. Things in your life start irritating you when they didn’t bother you before. You feel disconnected to how you want to live your life to how you currently are living your life. This guide will help you gain clarity and confidence to take the first step in personal growth.
Reinventing yourself doesn’t have to be intimidating. It won’t be an easy journey but the change you’ll feel within you is priceless.

I woke up one morning and couldn’t even crawl out of bed. Girl, I literally rolled out of bed. It hit me like a bag of bricks. I was fine yesterday but today, I want to crawl back in bed and try again next week. The sad part, this was an everyday ordeal.
There was this constant quiet pain of how stagnant my life, routine, and style became. And that is the beginning of how I decided it’s never too late to reinvent yourself. I then embarked on a journey of getting unstuck in life.
I understand your frustration of not feeling like you aren’t living up to the standards you set for yourself. Deciding to reinvent myself wasn’t easy and honestly, it’s an everyday kind of journey. You have to continuously act, think, and decide like the “reinvented” version of you until it becomes second nature. And You have to show up as her every. single. day. You have to rise to those standards, not lower them to the current version of you.
This post is all about the step-by-step guide you need to start your reinvention journey.
How To Reinvent Yourself
What Does “Reinvent Yourself” Mean?
Put simply, to change, to go through a metamorphosis, or to develop. Changing who you are to become what you want to be. Reinvention is about becoming a better version of yourself. This means to take a hard look at yourself, your life, and your core values.
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How Long Does It Take To Reinvent Yourself?
That can depend on a lot of factors. Your age, health, environment, career, family status, etc can all play a part in your personal growth. It’s more important to focus on the journey and not the length of time.
Because if you ask me, developing yourself is a lifelong journey. You never truly stay the same as you age, the trick is the intentionality while you grow. However, if you are talking about creating a plan, I’d say a 3-day weekend should be enough.
- Friday, Evaluate your current lifestyle: Take a hard and honest look at your current life. Look at your goals, aspirations, and career. Are you happy? Do you like your body/current health? These are some of the questions you need to be asking yourself. Take the evening with a cup of tea and be honest with yourself.
- Saturday, Create a vision: What does a reinvented you do, look like, or act like? What have they achieved and how does their home look? Imagine and feel the emotions of having this lifestyle. Pray about it. Meditate on it. Decide if this is the right path for your life.
- Sunday, Make a plan for your future lifestyle: “A goal without a plan is just a pipe dream” – Michael Lennington, 12 Week Year. How will you get there? Why do you want to achieve this goal? When do you want to achieve this goal?
By Monday, you should be ready to start implementing your new habits to support your goals. You should 100% grab the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear if you haven’t already. (Click here for your copy)
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How To Start Your Life Reset
This is the fun (and exhausting, thrilling, lonely, yet exciting) part. But before we start I want to make a few things clear for you that I wish someone had for me on my reinvention journey.
This will not magically fix it if this isn’t something you had planned on working through. Changing yourself so you’d like yourself more or have others like you is the wrong reason for this challenge. I promise you, you’ll still not like yourself even though you are your ideal person.
The Fix: Put this on your reinvention list. Go to therapy, look up videos, and talk to others about how to build your self-esteem. You are wonderfully and beautifully made. You are worthy of the love you give so freely to others.
The problems that you faced yesterday, don’t go away because you feel brand new. The unfortunate news is that unless you face your trauma it’ll follow you no matter how many transformations you go through.
The Fix: Go to therapy and talk to others who’ve been where you’ve been but made it to the other side. Find any way to make peace with your past and let it go today. You cannot continue to walk forward if you chained yourself to the past.
Now that we have those disclaimers out of the way, let’s start the fun part!
Phase One: Take a Life Audit
Start this process by taking inventory of what exactly is making you feel stuck.
What do you love, what don’t you love, and what can be improved on? One of the best methods on how to go about this is journaling. Reflect on your daily habits, your current values, your friend groups, your relationships, and everything that makes you feel stuck.
Keep in mind what you’d want to stay the same as much as possible. If you love your job, no need to change it, and if you love the current status of your relationship, no need to rush it. Not every facet of your life needs to change for the sake of change.
Phase Two: Create a Vision for Your Life

Now that we have taken a good look at our current lifestyle, it’s time for the fun part. Start dreaming of the big plans that you’d like your life to look like. Dream big and out of your comfort zone.
If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough.
Tory Burch
Begin daydreaming, brain dumping, and/or journaling about what your life would look like. Don’t skip this step, this is crucial in your reinvention. This is where you create your “why”.
Having a strong why will make you more likely to stick to this process. There will be days that you don’t feel like doing anything, having your “why” will force you to take action. This will be the emotional attachment you need to keep going.
Phase Three: Create a Plan on How to Reinvent Yourself
We have taken inventory and we have created a “why” for our reinvention. The next step is to put this plan into actionable steps. How will you get there?
A favorite book of mine, 12 Week Year by Michael Lennington outlined that asking yourself “How will I get there?” too early will only discourage you. That is why you ask yourself why do I want to get there and then ask yourself how.
Create Systems and Routines To Support Your reinvention
In order to stick with your plan, you need routines to support you. The daily habits that you do will add up to the vision you want. Atomic Habits is a great read on how to structure your daily routine. Your success is not in that one big break but in the tiny, little daily details.
The 12 Week Year gives you a blueprint of how to use their system to achieve your goals in a timely and efficient manner. Between the two books this will be a roadmap to follow for your journey.
There will be detours, pitstops, traffic jams, speedbumps, and even potholed backroads along the way. However, your roadmap will keep you on track even if you have to stop and go or take a break.
Look For Inspiration And Mentors
When you are trying to start a new project, you’ll need guidance. I highly suggest curating your social media feed to reflect what you’d like to accomplish. If you want to be a pastor, then I suggest you find someone who has walked that journey.
If you want to become a session musician, then befriend someone in the industry. Now, you may be asking what if no one around me has wanted to do what I am trying to do? I would follow people who are on social media, YouTube, any websites they have, take courses from them (that’s their blueprint), or even email them for their time.
There are many different ways you can find inspiration on how to reinvent yourself. If other people can do XYZ, then you can also do XYZ.
Find An Accountability Buddy
I know the thing is to “move in silence” and to a degree that is true. There will be many people who will not understand your plans or who will be jealous of your big ideas. However, you need a few people in your corner to hold you accountable on those days “you just can’t.“
Having a trusted friend who knows (bonus points if they are in the same niche) and understands the struggles will help you keep going. On those days that they can’t even, you are right there cheering them on.
Phase Four: Implement and Identity Shift
I know that I said creating a vision was the fun part but this is also fun. You just took a whole weekend and decided you were ready for a change. You took inventory of your life, created a vision for your future, and have a plan.
One, let’s give yourself a pat on the back! You accomplished something that most don’t even start. This was hard but you can do hard, you just proved it to yourself. But get ready, this next step is life-changing.
It’s time to implement your plan. Start slow and steady and follow your plans with an open mindset. Remember to be flexible as things will and can change along the way.
And starting today, you no longer identify with your old habits. They no longer serve the life you are trying to live. I have often heard the phrase, “Your new life is going to cost your old one.” You no longer bake, you are a baker. You aren’t trying to quit smoking, you aren’t a smoker.
Bonus Tip: Relax and Reward Yourself
Life is hard, changing your life is even harder. If it were easy, you’d already have done it. Relax and enjoy the journey that is ahead of you. You cannot skip to the end goal, so romanticize your life along the way. Show gratitude for what you have now and it’ll make the end goal that much sweeter.
Reward yourself as you reach huge milestones. You created your website and published your first post, go out and get yourself a coffee. You created the first chapter of your upcoming, best-seller book (we are claiming it!), and buy yourself something nice.
Celebrate your small wins because that is how to reinvent yourself. Make this fun, make it a game, and level up ❤️.
In order to change your life, you’ll have to change your habits. Take inventory of your current lifestyle, create a vision for your future lifestyle, and craft a plan that will get you there. You deserve a fulfilling life and you can do it.
This post was all about A Step-By-Step Guide You Need On How To Reinvent Yourself.
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