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Becoming a morning person changed my life. I always thought I was just meant to be a night owl. It wasn’t until I discovered that I was waking up wrong.

Growing up, I struggled with waking up on time much less early. (Noon was my preferred wake time during the summer.) Groggy and irritated from going to bed late the night before, I would constantly hit the snooze button. And It magically didn’t get any easier when adding children.
When I was working, I had to be there by 9 am so I needed to drop my child off at daycare by 8:30 am. So I needed to leave the house by 8 am and have my child up by 6:45 am. I didn’t wake up until 7:20 am, rushed to find clothes for myself and the child, and gave her a breakfast bar or Cheerios, and I didn’t eat or have lunch ready.
I wouldn’t get into my car until 8:15 and it took me 30 minutes to get to the daycare. Then, she would get dropped off by 8:45/8:50 am after checking in. She often missed breakfast at the daycare so now I felt like a terrible mom and I would cry on my 30-minute commute to work. I would FLY to work (sometimes getting a ticket on the way) and I often made it by 9:15 am. Which if you were keeping up, is FIFTEEN minutes late to work.
“Why is it so hard for me to wake up in the mornings?”
Me, Every time I hit snooze.
I’d then feel like a horrible employee who didn’t deserve a job and would feel that way until lunch. Oh yeah, I’m starving…and it’s only 9:30 am. This was *almost* an everyday experience. And it was brutal. It was a cycle that I couldn’t seem to get out of. This lasted the entirety of my career there until I left at the end of 2022.
Fast forward, I’m a pregnant SAHM (with my second child) and still carrying the same habits. I will give myself some grace and understand that I was growing a human while parenting another. However, that was still tough for me and I finally cracked.
Everyone around me was miserable because I was miserable, I went to bed defeated every night because my goals were never accomplished, the house was always a mess (dishes were a never-ending pile), and my (at the time) 3-year-old was my alarm clock. I was about to give birth and add another person to the mix. Enough was enough.
I quickly scoured the internet, YouTube, and every podcast and book to figure out how to become a morning person. All the successful gurus said to join the 5 am club so I did. That didn’t work so I tried 6 and 7 am but they didn’t have kids, but I loved the aesthetic. My search left me wondering, “Is it possible to become a morning person?”
How Becoming a Morning Person Transformed My Life:
It wasn’t until I figured out the missing puzzle pieces. Once I figured that out, my life changed overnight. And I finally became a morning person and I loved every second of it. I hacked myself into having a morning person personality.
Finally, I could work on filling my cup mentally, physically, and spiritually before tackling the daily to-dos and my kids. You can also become morning person and change your life. Your current routine does not define you nor does it have to be your life anymore. You just need to change how you wake up in the mornings.
This post is about the 20 life-changing key factors of how to become a morning person and love it.
How to Become a Morning Person
What Is a Morning Person?
Insane. But if you want a “real” answer, they are people whose most productive time is the morning. For example, one person may be able to get tasks done most productively from 4 am to 8 am. In contrast, others are more productive at noon. Neither one is right or wrong, just different. However, in a society that is built around 9 am to 5 pm, we have to have some time for ourselves before the “real world” demands our attention.
You cannot just cold turkey jump into being a morning person without some preparation first. Here are some of the tips and tricks that helped me start loving the mornings (especially as a stay at home mom).
1. You Need to Have an Evening Schedule (different from a bedtime routine).
Creating an evening schedule is the only way to set up success for the next day. This is where you create a system to ensure a smoother transition from night to morning. Set aside 2-3 hours before your bedtime and leave yourself 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Morning people tidy up, pick out clothes, and pack healthy lunches.
[Read: Quick Guide: How to Create the Ultimate Productivity System to Reach Your Goals]
Let’s say you go to bed at 9:30 pm so you need to start your evening schedule at 6:30 or 7:30.
Evening Schedule:
You’ll have an instant reward and you’ll be more likely to implement and complete an evening routine. Knowing I am waking up to a clean living room and kitchen makes me want to get out of bed.
2. Create a Solid Bedtime Routine.
Falling asleep will be so much easier when you have a set sleep schedule. Creating a routine will signal your body to start winding down. If we go back to the original example, your bedtime is at 9:30 pm. Your evening routine bleeds into your bedtime routine. That is why leaving that hour to yourself is imperative.
That last hour is all about self-care and winding down. Take a hot shower with a skin routine, put on some cozy pajamas, and avoid caffeine and screens. Make sure you dim your lights and relax. Whatever your cool-down looks like for you before turning the lights off, do that and stick to it.
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3. Define Your “Why?”
There have been many mornings where I have woken up early and crawled back into bed. I didn’t know why I was up because I had not defined why I wanted to be awake at 5:30 am. As a non early morning person, you need a legitimate reason to be awake before the sun.
Ask Yourself:
I believe in having a clear vision of what you want to achieve. What’s the purpose of implementing a new schedule? Ask and answer these questions and you’ll have your “why”.
4. What does your idea of thriving look like?
Visualizing the life of a thriving version of you will inspire you to take action. Furthermore, this will also help narrow down what actions are most important to you. Everyone’s idea of thriving is different, which is why no one should copy anyone’s morning routine. You are more likely to achieve your goals if your routines are tailored to you.
Gain clarity on what is important to the thriving version of yourself so you can start showing up as that person.
5. Address Your Pain Points of Your Current Routine.
What are some of the pain points of your current routine? Do you feel rushed? Are you constantly reacting to your day? Are you barely surviving your day-to-day responsibilities?
To tailor your morning routine to your needs, you must address those needs first. What would make you miserable in your current morning routine and how would you feel if it stayed the same? Addressing these pain points will inspire you to change your situation.
6. Have Something to Look Forward to That is Just for You.
Having a treat or reward waiting for you is how to become a morning person fast. We, as humans, love getting treats or little rewards. Positive reinforcement is the fastest way to grow and maintain a habit.
For example, if you had a weekly goal of 64 oz of water intake and rewarded yourself with a small treat, you are more likely to reach that goal. The same principle will work in your morning routine. I look forward to drinking a hot cup of tea and milk in SILENCE. However, I can only get that if I wake up early and after I have worked out for 30 minutes.
This could be listening to your favorite podcast uninterrupted. Or you could gift yourself a Starbucks coffee at the end of the week for not breaking your streak. Whatever goal you want to complete, attach a reward system with it.
Click Here for a FREE habit tracker to keep track of progress (checking them off provides an immediate sense of satisfaction) + it’s a planner to stay organized in other areas of your busy life!

7. Wake Up Earlier in a Tiered System.
The best hack I have for waking up early is to NOT have an all-or-nothing attitude. Instead, opt for waking up in tiers every week until you reach your goal. If your thriving version of you wakes up at 6 am but currently you wake up at 8 am; set your alarm for 7:45 for week 1. Once you have mastered that, start waking up at 7:30, then 7:15, 7:00, 6:45, 6:30, 6:15, and finally 6:00 am.
I found that rushing my wake-up time was when my body had the most resistance. Slowly expanding your comfort zone will yield better and long-term results. Slow and steady will always be the way to go.
8. Have a Plan For The Morning.
DO NOT rise out of bed in the morning without a plan or knowing what you are going to do. Honestly, this is the top tip on how to become a morning person from a night owl. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail (cliche, I know) but it’s the truth.
On the mornings that I have no plan, I am 100% returning to bed. I refuse to be awake at 5:30 am for no reason. I write in my planner the night before on what needs to be accomplished and what I would like to accomplish for myself.
9. Don’t Copy Someone Eles’s Morning Routine
It’s tempting to scroll on Instagram, TikTok, and even Pinterest and copy someone’s routine word for word. I advise you to take inspiration from it but tailor it to your needs/goals. I wake up at 5:30 am because that makes sense for me and my goals. You might wake up at 7:30, 8, or even 4:45 am.
The purpose of this post is to answer the question “How do I become a morning person?” Giving you tips and tricks to help you start to love the morning time. Not tell you what time you have to wake up to be “successful”.
Going back to tip number 4, remember your idea of thriving. That will yield you far better results than copying someone else’s routine. Again draw inspiration from them if they are doing something you’d like to do but make it work for you.
10. Remember You Are in Different Seasons of Life
You are never living the same life every day. If you are a mom, there was a time you weren’t. There was a time in your life when you were a carefree 20-something-year-old in college. Then you started working, then traveled a little, and maybe settled down and had children. Maybe you didn’t and continued to work but received a promotion and that requires more of you.
Whatever the case, you cannot expect the 35-year-old version of you with a newborn to wake up at 4 am; like your 25-year-old you could. It’s not far to compare those versions of yourself for they are two different people. What worked for her will probably not work for you 10 years later.
Just like I don’t recommend copying other people’s morning routines, I suggest you don’t copy one that is outdated for your current life. Reevaluate quarterly or yearly and adjust as needed. Be fair to yourself.
11. Let in Natural Light
Honestly, nothing beats waking up and opening your blinds up and sunlight floods your home first thing in the morning. Being greeted and kissed by the sun (poetic, right?) instantly puts me in a positive mood. Humans were not made to be with the sun and cooped up all day without it.
However, I am not ignorant of the fact that not everyone has the privilege to be around natural sunlight when they wake up. There are light therapy lamps that may help substitute but I have never used one. Another option is a sunrise alarm, which gently wakes you up if you cannot have sunlight wake you up.
12. Make Waking Up Attractive

Use your favorite mug, wear your favorite loungewear, or even have a playlist that you play. It’ll feel like a reward for waking up early and you’ll want to jump out of bed. I have two favorite mugs that put me in a positive mood. One says “Make Today Amazing.” and the other mug is a Joanna Gaines that just feels classic.
I have a morning skincare routine where I feel beautiful and fresh. This ties into having something to look forward to. I want to wake up knowing my morning will feel good. Romanticize your mornings and you’ll want to start your day early.
13. Use Technology To Your Advantage
We are so plugged in and connected to our devices, that it’s scary. However, you can use technology to your advantage. There are so many apps, programs, YouTube series, alarm clocks, etc that can help you wake up and accomplish your goals.
You can download time management apps so you can get your evening routine done. There are podcasts you can listen to while you shower and learn something. I use YouTube to work out and do a Bible study in the mornings. Make your phone/technology work for you and enhance your routine.
14. Charge Your Phone Away From Your Night Stand
This was a game-changer! I started charging my phone on a dresser away from my bed and I would not look back. There are a couple of reasons why I feel this helped me enjoy my mornings.
- I would fall asleep faster and better because a bright screen wasn’t in my face. I also couldn’t be distracted by the idea that my phone was close by and might ring. If I wanted it, I had to get out of bed and I wasn’t doing that.
- When my alarm went off, I had to get up and turn it off. Once I was up, I might as well get my day started.
15. Build in Time Cushions
I have built-in time buffers for different reasons. If I have to leave the house at 8 am, I’ll set my alarm at 7:45/7:50 as my “be ready” time. (I am not perfect, I don’t always stick to this but when I do, it works!)
My husband is a lot better at this than I am. If he has somewhere to be at 8 am, he leaves the house at 7 am. I respect him but I am not being anywhere 30 minutes early for no reason. However, it is much less stressful when you aren’t rushing out of the house, so who’s the real winner here?
16. Build In Self Care

Your early mornings should be for you. As much as I wish our schedules and work didn’t demand so much from us, they do. That’s the world we live in. We have to combat that and take back whatever time we can for ourselves.
I choose to have a simple night and morning skincare routine, listen to an educational podcast, workout, and have bible study. I have never been happier whenever I complete my routine. When I was working, this would have been so helpful in being able to wake up on time.
As much as I enjoyed my job, I didn’t make time for myself to find hobbies and passions outside my job. I didn’t fill my cup before being needed by others.
17. Be Flexible
Remember the whole “different seasons” talk, well remember it again. Life will change and hit you fast. Your day-to-day schedule, mood, and desires will not be the same. Having a rigid schedule will do nothing but stress you out on the days you cannot do it.
Have different routines for different circumstances so you can always have something to look forward to. You can have a routine for low energy, short on time, and kids wake up earlier than you expected. Whatever the circumstance, you’ll be prepared.
18. Make the To-dos Enjoyable
MAKE CHORES FUN! As parents we try and make chores fun for our kids, let’s make chores fun for us.
Chores don’t have to be a chore. Making it more enjoyable will ensure that you will stick to doing them and you’ll be glad you got them out of the way.
19. Wake Up Before The Kids
This is a tricky one because this depends heavily on your children. And whether or not they can smell you having alone time. I am lucky in the sense, that my kids go to sleep in their own rooms and wake up at 7:30 am. However, sometimes my eldest wakes up at 6 am so we had to start quiet time.
She can spend her time in her room reading a book, going back to sleep, or playing quietly in her room. This is something I just started doing but so far it seems to be working very well.
Don’t get discouraged if you cannot wake up before the kids, remember I am in a different season of my life right now. When my second child was a newborn, I slept in every morning. There was no structure, only surviving.
20. Create a Slow Morning Ritual
I enjoy slow mornings so I wet my alarm 15 minutes before my actual wake-up time. That means I wake up at 5:30 am and do nothing/relax. I could wake up at 5:45 and go straight into my bible study but I don’t want to. I operate so much better when I ease into waking up.
If you find waking up to be difficult then I highly recommend easing into your mornings. It has truly saved me from hating my alarms. I then set another one at 5:45 to officially start my day.
You deserve to live a life that you want to wake up to. Draining all your energy for a job that doesn’t care about you (sorry, not sorry) is a thing of the past. Fill your cup up and implement these tricks and I promise you’ll become a morning person.
This post was all about 20 Life-Changing Key Factors of How to Become a Morning Person.
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