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Your day starts with scrolling through social media, comparing your life to others, and leading you to take a life inventory after a recent birthday. You realize you are a few years away from 30 and it doesn’t feel like much will (or has) changed since graduation.
You could have bet money that by now, you would be in your dream job and life. Instead, you may be at a job that is not aligning with your dreams, your home and home life is disorganized, and you feel like you are reactive and not proactive in your own life.
Somewhere along the way, you became a supporting character in your own movie. Here are 5 reasons you feel disappointed in life:

1. You feel Stuck
In order to survive you have to make money and when you find yourself in a mid to high-paying career, it’s hard to give that up. You work 40 or more hours a week with a schedule dictated by someone else and it’s not aligning with the future version of you.
Everyone is telling you how proud of you they are because you did it! You got the job with your college degree, and you make shmomey! However, when you lay your head down at night, you feel stuck in this cycle.
At work by 9 and leaving work past 5, girl crushing on your favorite content creators, and back at work by 9.
2. There is no goal setting
Whew! Living and surviving is tough by itself, now you have to come up with an idea of what you want out of life. Yes, you do. Having goals will bring you up even if it is just a little. You are heading in a direction every day you are awake. Why not move in the direction you want?
My favorite phrase is ”When you say no to one thing, you are saying yes to another.” -Jordan Page. The beautiful thing is that you can start now, like as soon as you’re finished reading this post.
In fact, I am so passionate about helping others be the main character in their own lives, that I have created a free printable for you to use to write down your goals.
3. You have forgotten how far you have actually come
If you could actually see your life through someone else’s eyes, you would be so proud of yourself. You know that feeling you get when your friend finally gets the big break they have been praying for and you can’t help but feel the overwhelming joy with them? Yeah, that is you too.
You also had many big breaks in your life but you can’t let yourself feel them. If you took out the social media comparisons, you have overcome mountains! Start giving yourself the credit you deserve and need.
There have been many situations you prayed about, have you stopped to realize you are probably living through at least one of them?
4. Where is your routine?
Your days have melted together like Hershey’s Kisses on the hottest day in history. You have NO beginning, middle, or end to your day.
So when do you work on your goals? When do you enjoy your leisure time? When do you read, clean, or finally be intimate with your spouse? (We’re real-life adults here, that is usually the first thing on the back burner).
Life continues on and the dreams you have continue to live in your head.
5. You aren’t learning anything new
Now, I am not talking about going to college or even taking tons of classes made by content creators (no judgment, I have purchased more than I’d like to admit) but experiencing new and exciting things.
I have two book recommendations: Atomic Habits and You Are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life. Take a chance on Skillshare or brush up on a new hobby. Start a new business or apply for a new position at your current job.
Wrapping up, you have to start being the main character of your life. You have to start picking yourself up and telling yourself you are worthy of the dreams you have.