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Want to know 5 ways to become more disciplined and reach your goals?

This post is all about the 5 best ways to become more disciplined and consistent to reach your goals.
1. Visualize your Dream Life

Creative visualization is beneficial and a key part of goal setting and becoming more disciplined and consistent. Seeing is believing and believing leads to achieving. It is hard to set goals that you will stick with if you don’t even know what your end goal is.
Ask yourself: What makes you happy? What would a “dream” life be to you? What is your day-to-day routine? Who’s lifestyle makes you “jealous”? Your answers could look like this,
- Creating Content that helps other young moms/women
- Having the freedom to work when I want, how I want, fine-tuning my online business. I am my own boss.
- Creating online content, building a community of healthy happy mamas with little ones running around my busy home.
- Running a business with hours I have set may be from 7 am to 11 am and back again from 6 pm to 10 pm. In between, I play with the kids, go to the beach, whatever, and however I want to do the day.
- BySophiaLee (Although not a mama, her lifestyle is a dream for me)
By acknowledging your wants and using jealousy as a positive motivator (as long as you can redirect the emotion and be able to recognize the emotion), you can start to form what a “perfect” lifestyle means to you.
2. Write Down Actionable Steps

Outlining actionable steps is probably the most fun step besides figuring out what you want. You now need the how, to get what you want. Let’s say you want to become a doctor, have a social media presence to help better educate the general public on various health concerns, a Monday to Thursday schedule, and a six-figure salary.
You may already feel overwhelmed. However, breaking the big goal into smaller goals will make it so much more manageable. The goals could be broken up into Doctor, Social Media, and Salary/Finances.
From there, you could write the action steps to becoming a doctor, the action steps to creating a profitable social media account, and figuring out what is needed to earn a six-figure salary.
However, be careful not to micro-plan, it will cause more stress and will not allow flexibility. Think of this as your life blueprint written in pencil, as you will have to modify it from time to time.
3. Create new habits and systems that support your goals

Great news! You have your blueprint for your dream life. Now you actually have to start working towards it. You enrolled in school, created your social media account, and enrolled in a few content creator courses to help streamline your goals. Proud of you!
But keep the momentum going and establish daily habits and systems to support you. You’ll have to establish a routine and a schedule.
For example, on Monday you wake up to a 4:30 A.M. alarm clock in the kitchen. You make a healthy breakfast since you are awake and in the kitchen due to the alarm. You work out because you had laid out your clothes the night before; you make a post-workout smoothie with a frozen fruit blend you made last night. Take an organic vitamin from your M-S pill organizer.
All while you filmed a “Get ready with a Med Student” for YouTube because your equipment was already there. From 6:30 am – 8:00 am, you edit some content you have and schedule it. By 9 am, you are in classes and the day goes on from there.
The biggest thing you have to remember is that NO ONE is going to create your life for you. No one is coming to save you or tell you to get up and achieve your goals. There will be days you won’t feel like it and there will be obstacles in your way.
What do you do when those feelings hit? Get up and show up for yourself anyway. Even if it is only one task off your to-do list. It is up to you to find the balance between rest and going for your dreams.
Don’t wait for motivation. It is an unreliable feeling and it can come and go quickly. You need discipline, habits, and systems in place to help you succeed.
4. Start Small
This is one instance where “Go Big or Go Home.” is not the way to approach long-term goals and actually stick to them. Gradually, lay the foundation slowly. The book Atomic Habits lays the perfect framework to make micro changes to lead to the turning points in your life.
I mean, the front of the book says, “Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results.” According to James Clear (author of Atomic Habits), “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” Your habits multiply in the same effect as your dollars would through compound interest. Make a 1 percent change towards your goals and watch your life change before your eyes.
5. Just Start

We are now at the top step in the 5 ways to become more disciplined and reach your goals. It is easy to get caught up on what you need to succeed. You need the perfect gear, the perfect school, more money, to be older or younger, a better job, blah blah blah.
I understand more than anyone getting caught up in what you need to start your journey. However, if you always wait until you have this, that, and the other you will never actually start.
How do you start training for a marathon? By lacing up your shoes and taking that first step. Just start and everything will start to fall in place.
Those are just 5 ways to become more disciplined and consistent to reach your goals. You can start anytime and anywhere. You got this, I believe in you.
This post was about becoming more disciplined and consistent to reach your goals.